Sunday, May 3, 2015

Oh Infamous Day!

Oh Infamous Day!


My heart is filled with an exceptional sadness today.  Today the SCOTUS will promote homosexuality and so called same-sex marriage as something normal that is an unabridgable right

 Obviously, lost folks are going to do what lost folks do.  Obviously, homosexuality is perverse and/or maladaptive behavior.  These are the facts and there is no disputing them.  This does make me sad, but it’s not the cause for me to write.

The reason that I am writing, the reason that I am so inconsolably sad is the “Christian” response to all of this.  It’s not like it’s a tough subject to encapsulate. I was able to do it in two sentences. And it’s not like there is some deep, dark mystery within God’s Word that must be plumbed meticulously for years to determine God’s answer on the matter.  It’s a one-word answer:  sin. . (Genesis 19:4-9; Leviticus 18:22; Proverbs 3:32; 11:20; et al)

There is a commonly accepted principle for dealing with Scripture:  “We must not speak where Scripture is silent.”  I would like to propose the converse:  “We must not be silent where Scripture is specific and clear”.

To be certain, no one is being silent on this matter.  Pundits and churchmen are waxing, oh so eloquently on the topic.  And here is where my heart is being hurt.  You see, to the man, all are talking around the subject, but none are saying (and certainly not so plainly as Scripture does) that it is sin.  In fact some are implying that while “homosexuality is a sin, but being gay is not”.  (Matthew 5:27-28) Yes, you heard right!  Apparently, what they are trying to say is “God made me this way so it’s OK as long as I behave myself”.  (James 1:13-14)  Many are taking to this lie that came straight from the pits of hell and placing it in front of the pulpit still smelling of smoke and remarking:  “Oh how beautiful are the flowers!”.

Now as to why someone would or could do such a thing, I can only venture to guess.  Perhaps they feel that by placating the voices of the lost culture and repeating this lie, they can do more for the Kingdom than they could if they were to dare utter the truth as found in Scripture.  Perhaps they are attempting to demonstrate their superior theological “muscles” by straining for things that are not there.  Or maybe they think that they are being kind and showing that they are loving, warm, and fuzzy by talking all around the subject.  Regardless of what they think that they are accomplishing, what they are really doing is failing to condemn it as sin and possibly confusing those who, quite obviously, are easily confused.  Don’t get me wrong, I truly believe that we should love those overtaken in such.  We should love all men regardless of their sin or condition.  However, they cannot be saved from sin until we stop excusing the behavior for them and call it sin. (Isaiah 5:20)

Here is the bottom line.  Regardless of what you may believe or intend, when you shilly shally about something that Scripture makes so abundantly clear, you make the Kingdom suspect by your sin.  If you cannot come to grips with the fact that homosexuality, being gay, having same-sex attraction, or whatever the “euphemism de jour” is, then perhaps you should return to the basics of your relationship with the Savior.